Bulking Steroids Cycle - The Classic Mass Builder

1-10 Testosterone Enanthate @2ml/week
1-8 Deca @2ml/week
1-5 Dianabol @30mg/day

Exemestane or Anastrozole must be on hand in case aromatisation occurs.

Dbol is used here as a kickstart until Test and Deca fully kicks in.

The dosage of Dianabol may be divided out through out the day and taken every 3-4 hrs as it has such a short half-life.

Testosterone & Deca can be divided into two shots like 1ml of each on Monday and 1ml of each on Thursday. This is done to keep more stable blood levels.

Clomid should be used post cycle (PCT) starting 2 weeks after last injection.

Click here to see how to use correctly Clomid for PCT: Clomid Dosage for PCT

Training, eating and sleeping are not cancelled :)

If you need a personalised steroid cycle click here.


Huge Tom

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