Dragon Pharma Testosterone Enanthate 250

Dragon Pharma Testosterone Enanthate 250's active substance is Testosterone Enanthate and it is considered one of the most popular injectablte steroids together with Testosterone Cypionate version which are very similar. By the way Dragon Pharma trade name for this product is Enantat 250.

To see photos of the product and its description click here: Dragon Pharma Enantat 250.

Testosterone Enanthate is used as a base for a steroid cycle. Without testosterone as a base the cycle is not correct. If you want to know more about this write us a message.

Testosterone Enanthate from Dragon Pharma comes in a few variations but the most sold is 250mg/ml version. This version offers 250mg of test enanthate in 1ml of injections and it comes in 10ml vial which means someone who wants to use 1ml/week will have enough for a 10 test enanthate steroid cycle which is more than enough for a person who wants to keep down sides and in the same time see enanthate effects.

What is most popular steroid cycle with testosterone enanthate?


1-10 Testosterone Enanthate @250mg/week;

After week 10 it is strongly recommended to follow Post Cycle Therapy to help body restore back natural testosterone production. If you want to know more about this write us a message.

Now is the time to use Clomixyl (Clomiphene Citrate) in order to stimulate pituitary gland to produce Follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH) which are vital for men. FSH will stimulate sperm production and LH testosterone production.

Since Testosterone Enanthate has a half-life of aprox 2 weeks we will start taking Clomid aftert 2 weeks.

Here is how Clomid must be used after cycle:

Day 1 – Clomid 150mg/day
Day 2 - Clomid 100mg/day
Following 10 days – Clomid 50mg/day

This is basic information and some things may be adjusted but at least you know the basics, right?

Can I stack it with other steroids?

An experienced user can do it but its not recommended to newbies.

Any Lab Tests with Dragon Pharma Test Enanthate 250?

While you can see more of them on product page we will post here one.

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Feb 25, 2025 Admin

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