Manufacturer: British Dragon Pharmaceuticals
Substance: Fluoxymesterone
Pack: 50 tabs (10 mg/tab)
Halotestex is trade name for well known Halotestin, a popular oral strong androgenic steroid for bulking and strength.
If used towards end of cycle will work well towards better hardness effect.
The Halotestex is fast acting so you will feel it pretty quick.
Since it will put stress on liver avoid longer than 5 weeks cycles.
Halotestex is made by British Dragon and is sold in 50 tabs packages with strength @10mg/tab and active substance is
GBN is legit British Dragon supplier. You can check this on their site (british-dragon.com).
As most oral steroids Halotestex is used in 2-5 weeks cycles stacked with some injectable steroid.
One of the most poular stacks is:
1-4 Halotestex @40mg/ED
1-8 Testosterone Propionate @1ml/EOD
ED= Every Day
EOD = Every Other Day
PCT with Clomid will start one week after last injection.
"a drug mostly for strength. used it to increase strength in 2 weeks, worked well."
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If you have any additional questions on this product please click here: how to cycle Halotestex ?
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MANUFACTURER: Kalpa Pharmaceuticals
GOAL: Bulking
TYPE: Tabs
STRENGTH: 10mg/tab
AMOUNT: 100 tabs
Nov 27, 2024 (15:11)
The site is easy to shop through not a lot of useless information that I have to get lost in.