Sustanon and Dbol Cycle.
Experience classic 12 weeks Susta and Dbol steroid cycle for muscle mass and strength.
Sustanon cycle, one of the most popular steroid cycles among bodybuilders.
Sustanon cycle is so popular nowadays because of great properties of this steroid and its ability to promote muscle growth and strength.
To make it better we added here dbol for first 4 weeks to kick in.
Cycle schedule will look like this:
1-12 sustanon@2ml/week - must be split into 2 injections per week.
1- 6 dbol@40-50mg/day - must be split throughout the day for better effect.
PCT starts 2 weeks after last sustanon injection
Day 1 – Clomixyl 150mg - in three divided doses.
Day 2 - Clomixyl 100mg - in two divided doses
Following 10 days – Clomixyl 50mg - before bed
Following 10 days – Clomixyl 50mg - before bed
Train hard, eat 2,5gr of protein per 1kg of body weight and get at least 10 hours sleep.
Sustaxyl 3 vials;
Dbol 200 tabs;
Clomid 1 pack;
If you have questions about this or any other cycle,please contact us via tickets.
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Dec 5, 2019 (23:26)
Purchased this cycle about 8 weeks ago. Results thus far are incredible. I took the dianabol for 6 weeks... just finished. I added deca durabolan myself because it is always a great addition. Shipping and service was great as always. Thanks!