Testosterona P Balkan Pharmaceuticals Testosterona P Balkan Pharmaceuticals
Balkan Pharmaceuticals

Testosterona P

MANUFACTURER: Balkan Pharmaceuticals
GOAL: Cutting
TYPE: Injections
ACTIVE INGREDIENT: Testosterone Propionate
STRENGTH: 100mg/Propionate
AMOUNT: 10 x 1ml amps

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Testosterona P Detailed

Buy Testosterona P Balkan Pharmaceuticals

Buy Testosterona Propionate by Balkan Pharmaceuticals from approved reseller.

Cycle Example


1-10 Testosterone Propionate 1ml/EOD

PCT starts 1 week after last injection.

Testosterona P Reviews
Apr 15, 2022 (13:16)

Man you are the freaking best! By far the best customer service i have ever experienced in my life!
Thanks again for your patience with me, and getting the money thing situated. You are the best!

Apr 14, 2022 (15:19)

Package received. Everything looks great. Very impressed with customer service and discreet shipping. Thanks again for everything. Customer for life!

Mar 23, 2018 (07:48)

using it right now at 1ml/eod, the pip is not one i can complain about. thank you for best support ever in insdustry gbn

Oct 27, 2017 (08:14)

man this is most painful test prop i ever used.

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