10 Week Cutting Cycle
10 Week Cutting Cycle. It's time to get in shape before summer.
10 Week Cutting Cycle Detailed
10 Week Cutting Cycle
A good stack between testosterone propionate and trenbolone acetate with winstrol tabs.
1-10 testoxyl propionate: 1ml/EOD
1-10 trenboxyl acetate 1ml/EOD
6-10 winstrol 50mg/day
PCT starts on Week 12 with Clomid
Day 1 – Clomixyl 100mg - in three divided doses.
Day 2 - Clomixyl 100mg - in two divided doses
Following 10 days – Clomixyl 50mg
Following 10 days – Clomixyl 50mg
Feel free to contact us if you have more questions.
Diet and training plays important roles here so do not neglect these two moments.
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If you are looking for a cycle made of quality products and so want the muscles to be than Primobolan, Testosteron Propionate and Anavar is the way to go. It is a good mix for those who don't want water retention but rather muscle quality gains. Also for everyone who buys this stack Huge Tom will offer a cutting super-set workout. Contact us now.
Aug 28, 2022 (03:38)
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