Clenbuterol Dragon Pharma, Europe Clenbuterol Dragon Pharma, Europe Clenbuterol Dragon Pharma, Europe Clenbuterol Dragon Pharma, Europe Clenbuterol Dragon Pharma, Europe Clenbuterol Dragon Pharma, Europe
Fat Loss


40.00 USD

Manufacturer: Dragon Pharma
Pharmaceutical name: Clenbuterol
Pack: 100 tabs (40 mcg/tab)
Lab Test: View Test Report πŸ—

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U.S. Domestic

Clenbuterol Detailed

Buy Clenbuterol Dragon Pharma

Before trying Clenbuterol for fat loss (or any other fat burner) make sure that you did your best in terms of:

- clean nutrition;

- enough cardio (at least 3 days per week with 80% intensity and 30 mins all other days, walking, swimming, biking);

- drink enough water (you dont even know how many people underestimate this) 2-3L of clearn water per day will do magic for some of you;

- regular workouts;

- no heart problems!

If you want to try Clen - start with small dosage to see how your body reacts. 40 or even 20mcg is a good way to start. Clenbuterol dosage is measured in MCG not MG!

Should I split Clenbuterol tabs or take full dosage at once?

Since Clenbuterol has a long half life (around 2 days) it seems that there are all reasons to take the full dosage at once but this does not always work good since some users experience side effects (shaking, sweating) while others not. So what is the conclusion here? Again try for yourself both options:
1. take in the morning full dosage and if you feel good than it is easier for you
2. If you experience sides from taking full dosage try to split it into two one in the morning and second a few hours later.

What is a good Clenbuterol fat loss cycle?

The one where you keep dosage as low as possible, get results and no sides :)

Well that is perfect situation and in real world user will have to try, make some mistakes then adapt for himself.

One of the good ways to see how clenbuterol works personally for you is to begin with 2 weeks on - 2 weeks off cycle. During this time you must to listen to your body and observe how this compound works for you.

For example a normal Clenbuterol Fat Loss Cycle may look this way:

Weeks Clenbuterol (mcg/day)
1 20 mcg/day first 2 days then 40mcg
2 80 mcg/day
5 80 mcg/day
6 40 mcg/day

This cycle is good both for men and women and it is a good starting point.

Be informed that it is not wise to use clen for more than 1 month as body gets used to it and you won't feel any effect.

If you have any additional questions click here.


Clenbuterol Reviews
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Lab Test: View Test Report πŸ—

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