MANUFACTURER: Generic Asia ACTIVE INGREDIENT: Testosterone Propionate STRENGTH: 100 mg/ml AMOUNT: 5 amps
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MANUFACTURER: AxiolabsGOAL: Strength & CuttingTYPE: InjectableACTIVE INGREDIENT: Testosterone PropionateSTRENGTH: 100mg/mlAMOUNT: 1x10ml vial
10 Week Cutting Cycle. It's time to get in shape before summer.
MANUFACTURER: Stealth Labs ACTIVE INGREDIENT: Testosterone Propionate STRENGTH: 100 mg/ml AMOUNT: 10 ml
6 Weeks Cutting Steroid Cycle [testosterone propionate]
Short steroid cycle with quick acting testosterone propionate. Enough time to feel how it works and decide whether to quit or continue. Call it Test-Drive Cycle
Cutting steroid cycle for 10 weeks. Increased muscle hardness and better look guaranteed.
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