Aromaxyl Kalpa Pharmaceuticals LTD, India
Gyno Prevention


55.00 USD

Manufacturer: Kalpa Pharmaceuticals
Substance: Exemestane
Half Life: 27 Hours
Pack: 30 tablets (25 mg/tab)

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U.S. Domestic

Aromaxyl Detailed

Buy Aromaxyl (Exemestane) by Kalpa Pharmaceuticals

If you are predisposed to gyno this is the product which must be taken during cycle, 12.5mg/EOD or even less must be enough.

If you have questions regarding arimixyl usage please contact Huge Tom via our ticket system.

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Aromaxyl Reviews
Jun 2, 2022 (03:58)

Your service has been absolutely above average Huge Tom! Everything you do for customers is spot on! Of course I can only speak for myself but don't doubt it's the same for all. Anytime you need a survey let me know, I realize I'm not out there on all the forums but any word I can spread I'll be happy to GBN without a doubt kicks ass! Sincerely thank you

Jun 2, 2022 (03:54)

This is my prefererref anti-gyno product. thx gbn and tom.

Sep 30, 2018 (13:29)

This works excellent, I use with every Test cycle

Jul 9, 2018 (01:33)

thank you tom, i used aromaxyl during my bulking test e and deca cycle and it helped me avoid gyno.

Feb 1, 2018 (09:05)

I like it this aromaxyl.

Jan 23, 2018 (08:34)

Always using this during my steroid cycles to avoid gyno. works fine for me. thank you for great customer service.

Jul 28, 2016 (04:24)

So if I'm taking test E + mastorne and deca for 6 weeks, should I take a half of pill every day or a full pill every day? if I already have gyno with a cycle like the one I mentioned.

Oct 7, 2015 (20:44)

I will be taking Dbol soon and was wondering if this would be a good thing to add to the cycle to cut estrogen?

Dec 19, 2013 (13:27)

works good, dont take too much as it will hinder steroids effect.

Dec 5, 2013 (02:47)

I think it's a good product to have on hand I'm not predisposed to gyno but on occasion doing a heavy cycle if you start getting sensitivity like sore nipples pop one and it's gone in a day or two max!!!

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