Name: Kalpatropin 200iu
Substance: Human Growth Hormone
Brand: Kalpa Pharmaceuticals
Pack: 10 vials
Strength: 20 iu/vial
Kalpatropin 100iu is a new Human Growth Hormone product for quality muscles building.It comes as 100iu in total but divided into 10vials @10iu/vial! If you are new do not start with this product.
The Kalpatropin 100iu from Kalpa Pharmaceuticals comes in powder form and must be mixed BEFORE USAGE.
HGH is considered to help with joints, muscle building and some say sex-drive and feeling younger and better. In any case it is important to read how a product works before using it. So do yourself a favor and dedicate some time to read :)
GBN is legit Kalpa Pharmaceutical supplier. You can check this on Kalpa site (kalpapharmaceuticals.com). Buying from GBNSTORE means you get real product. Feel free to test Kalpa's product it in a lab and update us.
Kalpatropin is used in 3-6 months cycles. It can be used alone or together with a steroids cycle stack.
Kalpatropin sometimes is used as a solo in fat loss cycles, however in this case user must already have low fat.
Here we will present a classic combo of HGH + Testosteron Propionate + Primobolan. This will be a good cycle before summer.
Clean nutrition and 4days/week workouts are mandatory. Cardio must be done daily! Dont expect "gear" do the work for you.
1-14 Testoxyl Propionate - 400-500mg/week
1-14 Primobolan - 600-800mg/week
1-14 HGH - 4iu/day
PCT with Clomid will start 1 week after last injection.
Below is PCT schedule with Clomid. HGH can be used during PCT.
Day 1 – Clomid 100mg
Day 2 - Clomid 100mg
Following 20 days – Clomid 50mg
*If needed you can take it for 5-7 days more at 25mg/day dosage.
TABS are taken with food.
1. HGH is injected with insulin syringes.
2. HGH Powder you get must be mixed with bac water.
3. Mixing ratio HGH with BAC water: use 1ml of bac water per 10iu vial of hgh.
Additional info
How many lines on a insulin needle to equal 1iu?
For Kalpatropin if you use 1ml of water with the 10iu of GH then 1 tick mark on the pin will equal 1iu.
What is normal HGH dosage?
4iu/day for men
2iu/day for women
What is normal HGH cycle length?
3 months
How to keep HGH I already mixed with bac water?
Keep it in the fridge, it is good up to 14 days.
Can I use HGH during PCT?
Yes, HGH can be used during PCT. Actually it will help slow down the catabolic state the body will be in after steroid cycle due to low testosterone levels and help keep gains made while on cycle.
Can I stack HGH with Steroids?
Where can I read more about HGH cycle?
"Started using Kalpa HGH about 5 weeks ago on a low dose, 3 iu/day, fat loss regimine. So far, outstanding results! I would recommend this to anyone looking for low cost, high grade HGH product! I will be upping my dose to 6 iu's/day at the end of 2 months and using it on a lean mass building cycle of 12 weeks. Then back down to the 3 iu/day for the cutting phase. I will update my progress. But, again, this is the best HGH I've used. You really can't go wrong!"
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If you have any additional questions on this product please click here: how to cycle Kalpatropin?
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Name: DragonTropin
Substance: Somatropin (r-hGH)
Brand: Dragon Pharma
Pack: 10 vials
Strength: 10 iu/vial
Lab Test: View Test Report ๐
Dec 4, 2024 (06:44)
Started using Kalpa HGH about 5 weeks ago on a low dose, 3 iu/day, fat loss regimine. So far, outstanding results! I would recommend this to anyone looking for low cost, high grade HGH product! I will be upping my dose to 6 iu's/day at the end of 2 months and using it on a lean mass building cycle of 12 weeks. Then back down to the 3 iu/day for the cutting phase. I will update my progress. But, again, this is the best HGH I've used. You really can't go wrong!