MANUFACTURER: Kalpa Pharmaceuticals LTD, India ACTIVE INGREDIENT: Testosterone Enanthate STRENGTH: 400 mg/ml AMOUNT: 10 ml
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This is a beginner steroids cycle for muscles growth. Clomid for PCT is included.
Read the description or send us the questions if you have them.
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MANUFACTURER: AxiolabsGOAL: Strength & BulkingTYPE: TabsACTIVE INGREDIENT: Testosterone EnanthateSTRENGTH: 250mg/mlAMOUNT: 1x10ml vial
MANUFACTURER: Dragon Pharma GOAL: Bulking / StrengthTYPE: Injections ACTIVE INGREDIENT: Testosterone Enanthate STRENGTH: 400mg/ml AMOUNT: 1x 10ml vialLAB TEST: View Test Report ๐
Test and Deca Cycle 12 weeks cycle
12 weeks bulking cycle made of Testosterone and Dbol Muscle and Strength increase. It's time to look bigger!
Basic Testosterone Steroid Cycle.
May be used as a first steroid cycle.
This steroid cycle is for muscle mass and strength
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