MANUFACTURER: Stealth Labs ACTIVE INGREDIENT: Testosterone Decanoate Testosterone Isocaproate Testosterone Phenylpropionate Testosterone Propionate STRENGTH: 270 mg/ml AMOUNT: 10 ml
Man, I was thinking to try this but ordered Axiolabs instead. It came in 5 days. Thank you gbnstore!
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MANUFACTURER: Dragon Pharma GOAL: Cutting TYPE: Injections ACTIVE INGREDIENT: Testosterone propionate 50mg/ml; Trenbolone Acetate 50mg/ml; Drostanolone Propionate 50mg/ml STRENGTH: 150mg/ml AMOUNT: 1x 10ml vial
MANUFACTURER: Dragon Pharma GOAL: Lean Mass / Cutting TYPE: Injections ACTIVE INGREDIENT: Drostanolone Propionate STRENGTH: 100mg/ml AMOUNT: one 10ml vial
MANUFACTURER: Dragon Pharma GOAL: Lean Muscles TYPE: Injections ACTIVE INGREDIENT: Drostanolone Enanthate STRENGTH: 200mg/ml AMOUNT: 10ml vial
MANUFACTURER: Dragon Pharma GOAL: cutting/bulking/strengthTYPE: Injections ACTIVE INGREDIENT: Trenbolone Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate STRENGTH: 100mg/ml AMOUNT: 10ml vial
MANUFACTURER: Dragon Pharma GOAL: Lean Muscles TYPE: Injections ACTIVE INGREDIENT: Methenolone Enanthate STRENGTH: 100mg/ml AMOUNT: 10ml vialLAB TEST: View Test Report π
MANUFACTURER: Dragon Pharma GOAL: Bulking TYPE: Injections ACTIVE INGREDIENT: Testosterone Enanthate - 200 mg/ml Testosterone Cypionate - 100 mg/ml Testosterone Propionate - 50 mg/ml STRENGTH: 350mg/ml AMOUNT: 10ml vial
Total Cost:
Feb 28, 2024 (11:27)
Man, I was thinking to try this but ordered Axiolabs instead. It came in 5 days. Thank you gbnstore!