5 Days Workout - Burn Fat Build Muscles

This workout is for people who already have some experience behind. It is more focused on increasing metabolism. You will do more reps with 60-80% of your max weights.

After 2 months you can switch to a bulking workout routine. Contact us for help.

This is a way to distribute training for each muscle in 5 days and in the same time stay more focused on one muscle group on the day when you will work on it.

DAY 1.


Barbell Bench Press 4x15-12

Incline Barbell Bench Press 3x15-12

Decline Dumbell Bench Press 3x15-12

Pec Deck - 3x15-12

Abs - pick two exercies you like and 4x30 reps for each.


Biceps and Triceps

Staying Biceps Curls 4x15-12 (alternate, sometimes dumbell other time barbell)

Dumbell hammer curls 3x20-15

Dumbell Concentration Curls 3x20 (Concentration curls use dumbbells to isolate the biceps, concentrating the workload on the lateral head of the biceps brachii and brachialis (the outer bicep).


Cable Pushdowns 3x20

Lying Close-Grip Barbell with EZ Curl Bar 3x15-12

Dips 3xMax (do as much as you can)

Abs - pick two exercies you like and 4x30 reps for each.



Squats 4x15-12

Leg Extension 3x12

Lying Leg Curls 3x12


Standing Calf Raises 3x20-15

Seated Calf Raise 3x20-15

Abs - pick two exercies you like and 4x30 reps for each.


Back + Traps

Pull Ups - 3x10 or V-Bar Pulldown 3x12

Elevated Cable Rows 4x15

One-Arm Dumbbell Row 3x15-12

Hyperextensions 3xmax


Barbell Shrug 4x20-15

Abs - pick two exercies you like and 4x30 reps for each.



Seated (can be altertnated with staying) Side Lateral Raise 4x15-12

Seated Barbell Military Press 4x15-12

Dumbbell Lying Rear Lateral Raise 4x15-12

Dumbbell Rear Delt Row 3x10

Front Dubbell Raise 3x12

Abs - pick two exercies you like and 4x30 reps for each.

DAYS 6 and 7 are rest days however you better do low intensity cardio.


Huge Tom

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