GOAL: Cutting
TYPE: Injections
STRENGTH: 50mg/ml
AMOUNT: 10ml vial
Winstrol 50 by Dragon Pharma contains: Stanozolol. This version of the product is injectable.Winstrol 50 is a steroid for cutting, strength and quality muscles building. It is worth mentioning that Winstrol 50 Injectable is water based so it can NOT be mixed with oil based products!
Winstrol 50 Injectable by Dragon Pharma comes in injectable form and may be a solution for cutting and strength when used with Testosterone Propionate.Some use it solo but we wont recommend this route. Winstrol 50 Dragon Pharma can be used as summer cutting cycle or cycle for better definition.
Winstrol 50 Injectable Dragon Pharma is made in 10 ml vials.
GBNSTORE is legit&verified Dragon Pharma supplier. You can check this on Dragon Pharma site (dragon-pharma.com).
Buying from GBNSTORE means you get real product and if there will be questions related to product you bought you can always be sure that we will take of that and if needed will contact manufacturer. Feel free to test Dragon's product it in a lab.
Winstrol 50 Injectable is used in 6-12 weeks for cutting and it is better to be stacked with Testosterone Propionate.
Winstrol 50 Injectable can be used during summer and strength cycle, just be sure to train, eat and recover properly.
One of the most popular stack is:
1-10 Testosterone Propionate @1ml/EOD
1-10 Winstrol 50 Injectable @1ml/EOD
PCT with Clomid will start 1 week after last injection.
Below is PCT schedule with Clomid.
Day 1 – Clomid 100mg
Day 2 - Clomid 100mg
Following 20 days – Clomid 50mg
*If needed you can take it for 5-7 days more at 25mg/day dosage.
TABS are taken with food.
"My very first cycle was Dragon Pharma cypionate 250 and winstrol 50mg, I ordered it through Panda. All I used was testosterone cypionate, 250 twice a week, and winstrol. At first I only noticed the side effects associated with testosterone injections such as oily skin, acne, increased libido, and slightly increased aggression. This really got me excited because I knew this was the real deal, especially when I saw sides in the first week of injections"
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Jul 12, 2022 (10:31)
is this product causing pip?