Enantat 400 Dragon Pharma, Europe Enantat 400 Dragon Pharma, Europe Enantat 400 Dragon Pharma, Europe Enantat 400 Dragon Pharma, Europe
Dragon Pharma

Enantat 400

60.00 USD

GOAL: Bulking / Strength
TYPE: Injections
ACTIVE INGREDIENT: Testosterone Enanthate
STRENGTH: 400mg/ml
AMOUNT: 1x 10ml vial
LAB TEST: View Test Report πŸ—

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U.S. Domestic

Enantat 400 Detailed

Buy Enantat 400 Dragon Pharma / Testosterone Enanthate

Enantat 400 by Dragon Pharma contains Testosterone Enanthate and this product is an injectable androgenic/anabolic steroid for bulking, strength and quality muscles building. Its active substance is Testosterone Enanthate with concentration of 400mg per 1ml of injection! Such high concentration is not recommended for newbies.

Enantat 400 from Dragon Pharma comes in injectable form and may be a solution for bulking, strength, trt or as a testosterone base for a cycle made of two different injectables. Enantat 400 (read Testosterone Enanthate)can be used in the treatment of low testosterone levels in men but dont decide dosages by yourself, if you know or feel that you have low testosterone levels then the blood work must be done and doc will prescribe testosterone dosage.

Enantat 400 Dragon Pharma comes in 10 ml vials and here is a short description of this product:

  • Drug Class: Injectable Anabolic Steroid
  • Active Life: 14-16 Days
  • Average Dose: 250-500mg/week
  • Liver Toxicity: Low
  • Aromatization Rate: High
  • Anabolic Rate: 100%
  • Androgenic Rate: 100%
  • Decrease HPTA function: Severe (PCT needed)

GBNSTORE is legit&verified Dragon Pharma supplier. You can check this on Dragon Pharma site (dragon-pharma.com). Buying from GBNSTORE means you get real product and if there will be questions related to product you Feel free to test Dragon's product it in a lab and update us.

Enantat 400 Steroid Cycle

Enantat 400 is used in 10-14 weeks for bulking, muscles building and strength increase & it can be used solo or stacked with Turanabol, Boldenon or Deca.

Testosterone Enantat 400 (read Testosterone Enanthate) can be used in bulking and strength cycle by itself, just be sure to train, eat and recover properly.

Another option is to stack it with some oral and I will present a cycle below.

PCT is still needed in any case.

One of the most popular stack is:


1-12 Enantat 400 - 500mg/week

1-4 Turanabol 25mg/day

PCT with Clomid will start 2 weeks after last injection.

Below is PCT schedule with Clomid.

Day 1 – Clomid 100mg
Day 2 - Clomid 100mg
Following 20 days – Clomid 50mg
*If needed you can take it for 5-7 days more at 25mg/day dosage.
TABS are taken with food.

Dragon Pharma Testosterone Enantat 400 Reviews

"Dragon Pharma offer excellent and quality steroids, i use Dragon gears already over 10 years and during all this time never regretted the quality of this products. Perfect products as always. My record with my verified store has more than 50 orders (only Dragon Pharma Products). Concerning about dragon pharma oil, i can say that is very professional, crystal clear oils, and very important that they are of very good quality and work perfectly. "

You can leave your review for Testosterone Enantat 400 below or review Testosterone Enantat 400 on bodybuilding forum.

Do I get discounts if I buy more than 10x or 20x?

Yes you do, our website will automatically apply a discount if you add to shopping cart more than 10x of one and the same product.

If you buy more than 30x please write a ticket and we will offer additional discount.

Which product(s) must be part of any steroid cycle?

Basic steroid cycle must always contain testosterone enanthate or testosterone cypionate.

Buy Dragon Pharma steroids.

Enantat 400 Reviews
Dec 5, 2024 (23:26)

For me GBN is best and most friendly supplier. Test Enanthate for 10 weeks + clomid is a great mix for growth and strength.

Jan 4, 2023 (02:48)

Happy New Year GBN!

May 27, 2022 (04:26)

Gbn is the best imho & thannk you for sale :)

May 15, 2022 (09:18)

I used test e 300 for 12 weeks and not only did I gain size and strength, but energy like I had 10 years ago. Definitely recommend .

May 2, 2022 (08:21)

I give this a 5/5!

Jun 17, 2021 (10:57)

This stuff is Fire ???? I got it in the mail from GBN Store and I did 1ml 2 times a week with 50mg Dbol and I blew up gained 30 lbs

Apr 13, 2021 (00:48)

Hello. Is this item currently in stock? Thank you.

Feb 20, 2021 (18:13)

For plastic with at least one other injectable compound. You can not get any better then this. The higher concentration minimizes the volume of oil needed but also brings pip. For blast I use this and mix with my second compound and its pain free. For cruise I reccomend staying in the 250mg ml concentration. I simply wish it was still in stock for my coming blast. Thank you GBN for yet again bringing quality product and service. Your business ethics is a sight for sore eyes and you are appreciated! Thank you!

Jan 2, 2020 (23:54)

To the guy asking about his first cycle. What is your goal? If its strength and size then yes test e is a good starting point. I would however change the length. Since you are just starting out i would do an 8 week cycle at 500mg/week. I would also make sure you order an anti estrogen like arimidex (spelling). Most wouldnt need it at 500mg/week but it's better to be safe then sorry since you have never cycled before.

Jun 13, 2019 (08:08)

My favorite test for off season.

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