MANUFACTURER: Dragon Pharma, Europe ACTIVE INGREDIENT: Isotretinoin STRENGTH: 20 mg/tab AMOUNT: 100 tabs
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Manufacturer: Cipla, India Substance: Isotretinoin Pack: 10 caps (20 mg/cap)
Manufacturer: Dragon Pharma Pharmaceutical name: Clomiphene Citrate GOAL: Post Cycle TherapySTRENGTH: 50mg/tab AMOUNT: 100 tabs
MANUFACTURER: AxiolabsGOAL: PCT(restore testosterone production after cycle)TYPE: TabsACTIVE INGREDIENT: Clomiphene citrateSTRENGTH: 50mg/tabAMOUNT: 50 tabs
Total Cost:
Jan 2, 2018 (02:07)
Are there any reviews on people who have ordered this and is it pharma grade?