Testoxyl Propionate 100 Kalpa Pharmaceuticals LTD, India
Kalpa Pharmaceuticals

Testoxyl Propionate 100

32.00 USD

MANUFACTURER: Kalpa Pharmaceuticals
GOAL: Lean Mass
TYPE: Injections
ACTIVE SUBSTANCE: Testosterone Propionate
STRENGTH: 100mg/ml
AMOUNT: 10ml vial

Shipping From:
U.S. Domestic

Testoxyl Propionate 100 Detailed

Buy Testoxyl Propionate 100 Kalpa Pharmaceuticals

Testoxyl Propionate 100 by Kalpa Pharmaceuticals contains Testosterone Propionate and this product is an injectable androgenic/anabolic steroid for cutting, strength and quality muscles gains. Its active substance is Testosterone Propionate with concentration of 100mg per 1ml of injection!

Kalpa Pharmaceuticals also makes Cypionate and Enanthate versions of testosterone.

Propionate 100 from Kalpa Pharmaceuticals comes in injectable form and may be a solution for cutting, strength, TRT or as a testosterone base for a cycle made of two different injectables. Propionate 100 (read Testosterone Propionate )can be used in the treatment of low testosterone levels in men but dont decide dosages by yourself, if you know or feel that you have low testosterone levels then the blood work must be done and doc will prescribe testosterone dosage however in TRT mostly are used Cypionate or Enanthate versions.

Propionate 100 Kalpa Pharmaceuticals comes in 10 ml vials and here is a short description of this product:

  • Drug Class:
    Anabolic Steroid (for intramuscular injection)
  • Active Life:
    2-3 days
  • Average Dose:
    Men 350-2000 mg/week (not recommended for women)
  • Liver Toxicity:
  • Aromatization rate:
  • DHT Conversion:
  • Decrease HPTA function:
  • Anabolic/ Androgenic rate:
  • Active Substance:

    Testosterone Propionate 100mg/ml

GBNSTORE is legit&verified Kalpa Pharmaceuticals supplier. You can check this on Kalpa Pharmaceuticals site (http://kalpapharmaceuticals.com/).

Buying from GBNSTORE means you get real product and if there will be questions related to product you Feel free to test Kalpa's product it in a lab and update us.

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Kalpa Testosterone Propionate 100 Steroid Cycle

Testoxyl Propionate is used in 8-10 weeks for lean muscles growth and strength increase & it can be used solo or stacked with Turanabol, Anavar or Primobolan.

Testoxyl Propionate 100 (read Testosterone Propionate) can be used in bulking and strength cycle by itself, just be sure to train, eat and recover properly.

Another option is to stack it with some oral and I will present a cycle below.

PCT is still needed in any case.

One of the most popular stack is:


1-8 Testoxyl Propionate: 1ml/EOD

1-5 Anavar: 50mg/day

PCT with Clomid will start 2 weeks after last injection.

Below is PCT schedule with Clomid.

Day 1 – Clomid 100mg
Day 2 - Clomid 100mg
Following 20 days – Clomid 50mg
*If needed you can take it for 5-7 days more at 25mg/day dosage.
TABS are taken with food.

Kalpa Pharmaceuticals Propionate Reviews

"Rarely post, because at my age, I probably have little to contribute.
I spent my whole life in gyms from coast to coast, competed (flirted with the national level)and now, I'm pretty banged up, so "cycles" are beyond me, and training is limited.

So, I do my own TRT. Based on personal experience, and posted lab results, I have used Kalpa products almost exclusively with great outcomes.

Without a doubt, GBN has been my best source.
The ease of payment methods have eliminated the anxiety of standing in lines and having to answer a litany of questions. As for delivery, my shipment arrived a week early...

Thank you. Your service literally raises my quality of life."

You can leave your review for Testoxyl Propionate below or review Testoxyl Propionate 100 on bodybuilding forum.

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Yes you do, our website will automatically apply a discount if you add to shopping cart more than 10x of one and the same product. If you buy more than 30x please contact us and we will offer additional discount.

Thank you for buying from GBNSTORE :)

Testoxyl Propionate 100 Reviews
Jun 23, 2023 (12:56)

Been using Test Prop at 25mg/ed for the past several weeks now during a cut cycle after running Kalpa Test Cyp to maintain strength. So far one of my favorite products due to no water retention and pinning delts with a 29g insulin needle is painless. Thanks Tom and GBN!

Oct 21, 2022 (09:48)

Kalpa makes best propionate imho, no pip!

May 10, 2022 (02:38)

Rarely post, because at my age, I probably have little to contribute.
I spent my whole life in gyms from coast to coast, competed (flirted with the national level)and now, I'm pretty banged up, so "cycles" are beyond me, and training is limited.

So, I do my own TRT. Based on personal experience, and posted lab results, I have used Kalpa products almost exclusively with great outcomes.

Without a doubt, GBN has been my best source.
The ease of payment methods have eliminated the anxiety of standing in lines and having to answer a litany of questions. As for delivery, my shipment arrived a week early...

Thank you. Your service literally raises my quality of life.

Jul 27, 2021 (11:52)

Kalpa is amazing. This stuff works really fast. Customer service from this site is amazing.

Oct 15, 2019 (15:30)

How often per week and how much to take this product?

Dec 6, 2018 (10:53)

Great product! Used this Test Propionate from Kalpha @150mg/1.5ml EOD for 8 weeks and got some great results! Using Clomid as PCT! Always Pinned in glute and alternated left and right each time which helped with the soreness which I was able to get used to after a few weeks and becomes more tolerable.

Mar 6, 2018 (07:41)

Works amazing, the pip is minimal, no water retention. clomid for pct.

Oct 27, 2017 (06:37)

Always use this once per year during summer 10 weeks 1ml/eod followed by Clomid for PCT.

Aug 12, 2016 (02:28)

Do you inject this straight into your muscle biceps/triceps or buttcheek?

Nov 17, 2015 (01:23)

Got it today great packaging just waiting on my syringes ;), huge tom is the man and the staff are great!!

Jun 28, 2014 (14:58)

Great product ordering my second cycle. Stacking with cut mix.

Apr 14, 2014 (03:33)

Great product 100% g2g thx GBN and huge tom 8lbs first 5 days with a clean diet. Stacking with Deca and d-Bol

Dec 26, 2013 (13:04)

after 2 cycles this one becomes my favorite, plus no water retention.

Jun 18, 2013 (07:41)

love the gear 2nd week and getting solid gains and size . be ready for sore butt... totally worth the pain thanks GBN store and Tom

Jan 18, 2013 (20:43)

Amazingly strong product. Growing on it and sex drive is going up daily. Thx Tom and gbn!

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GOAL: Cutting/Strength
TYPE: Injections
ACTIVE INGREDIENT: Testosterone Propionate
STRENGTH: 100mg/ml
AMOUNT:  one 10ml vial
LAB TEST: View Test Results πŸ—

31.00 USD  

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