MANUFACTURER: Dragon Pharma, Europe
GOAL: Bulking
TYPE: Tabs
STRENGTH: 20mg/tab
AMOUNT: 100 tabs
LAB TEST: View Test Report ๐
Dianabol 20mg by Dragon Pharma is an oral androgenic/anabolic steroid for bulking, strength and muscles building. Its active substance is METHANDIENONE. If you are new to roids please read on GBN site about each product and how it works, when you know at least something it is easier to ask and plan a correct steroid cycle.
The Dianabol 20 from Dragon Pharma comes in oral form and here you will read its description and how to use it. Dianabol may be a solution for bulking and strength.
For some users Dianbol will cause lots of water retention so if that is the case and you dont like it with other product.
Dianabol 20 comes in 100 tabs packs and 20mg/tab dosage. Below is a short description of Dragon's Dianabol:
GBN is legit Dragon Pharma supplier. You can check this on Dragon Pharma site (dragon-pharma.com .com). Buying from GBN means you get real product.
Dianabol is used in 4-6 weeks cycle for bulking, strength and muscle building.
Methandienone (aka Dianabol or Dbol) can be used as single product in a short cycle like 3-4 weeks at low dosage however this will have more of a testing purpose and some short term results.
Normal cycle will have testosterone as a base.
Below we will present one of the possible options.
One of the most poular stack is:
1-10 Testosterone Enanthate - 2ml/week
1-4 Dianabol 40mg/day
PCT with Clomid (clomiphene citrate) will start 2 weeks after last injection.
Below is PCT schedule with Clomid.
Day 1 – Clomid 100mg
Day 2 - Clomid 100mg
Following 20 days – Clomid 50mg
*If needed you can take it for 5-7 days more at 25mg/day dosage.
TABS are taken with food.
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Yes we will! Tom will be happy to help you. Before you send your questions make sure you mention your age, weight, goals and experience. If you need workout plan please mention that as well.
With GBN you are in good hands. If you are new please consider placing a small test order.
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Dec 5, 2024 (23:28)
What to check for when doing blood work
- LH (luteinizing hormone)
- FSH (follicle stimulating hormone)
- Total testosterone
- Estradiol
- Red blood cell count (RBC)
- Glucose
- Blood Urea Nitrogen
- Creatinine
- Cholesterol
Remember to wait 4-6 weeks after PCT before doing blood-work.